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 Konomi, Etsuko

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Konomi, Etsuko Empty
PostSubject: Konomi, Etsuko   Konomi, Etsuko I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2010 3:37 am

Konomi, Etsuko OuranLogo

Konomi, Etsuko Anime_maid_girl

Application of Konomi, Etsuko *

Name: Etsuko Konomi
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: February 14th
Age: 14
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Class: 1A

Casual Appearance: Etsuko has thin chocolate brown hair with a matching pair of almost doe-like, soft, chocolate syrup brown eyes. She's very small for her age, but still has curves in all the right places despite it. Usually she'll wear her hair up in a pony tail or bun, it's a habit since she has to for work, but will put it down when she goes to sleep. Etsuko is completely against the bright yellow dresses of Ouran, but her mother insists it's a private school and she has to wear the uniform, so she wears the Ouran dresses anyway. On special or formal occasions however, she wears a slightly tight-fitting lavender purple, silk dress with a black sash around the waist, tied in a dainty bow in the back, a pair of black heels with black silk ribbons wrapping around her ankles, stopping just below her calves, the finishing touch. She looks very small and weak, like beautiful, carefully-crafted silk over thin glass, easily breakable and oh so fragile, but on the inside she's wild and unstoppable, living life to the fullest and taking every chance she get's to prove how strong she really is.
Personality: Etsuko is, as some would say, completely and utterly out of her mind. She thinks of the most random and odd things, some would not even think to dream of, and brings them up at the most irregular moments. She's always the one to break an awkward silence, but almost never the one to feel awkward in the first place. A bit slow(okay very) at times and easily confused, yet always seeking for knowledge and answers to unsolved questions. She's very intellectual and will learn something to the fullest when she sets her mind on it, which explains how she got into Ouran a year early. Can be very stubborn, but doesn't usually care what people think anyway, living in her own little world and rarely coming out into reality, meaning she can be very selfish at times and hurt others, but not intentionally.
Likes: Learning, Solving problems, Finding answers, Reading, Playing clarinet, Ice skating
Dislikes: Not knowing, Surprises, Being ignored, Being underestimated, Her privacy being invaded, Sexism
Fears: Claustrophobic(fear of small, tight spaces), Needles

Family: Chikyo Konomi {Mother} Daichi Konomi {Father/Missing} Hideki Konomi {Grandfather/Deceased} Kuro Masaru {Best Friend/Like a brother to Etsuko}
Hometown: Hiroshima, Japan
Past: Etsuko's parents had met on a blind date set up by her mother's friend. Having decided to be just friends after a few dates, they kept in contact, but didn't see each other often. When her father lost his job and house and was forced to live on the streets, her mother had took him in and let him live with her. They soon learned that they wanted to be much more than friends and started dating, happily living with each other even after her father had gotten a new job. They married a year before having Etsuko and decided to open a cafe of their own. At age 8, Etsuko's parents started having some problems in the relationship and split up. Her mother kept the cafe, while custody of Etsuko had gone to her father, but she often stayed with her grandfather and they grew very close. Her grandfather was a commoner, like her parents, but was also very secretive at times. When he died, everyone was shocked by his last will and testament; he had millions stashed and he was handing it all over to his granddaughter, Etsuko, who was only 11 at the time. Soon after, her father went missing, along with a few thousands of Etsuko's money. Etsuko went to go live with her mother again, who gave her a job as a waitress at the cafe to keep her busy and earn back a small fraction of what her father had taken. Etsuko decided to save the money and continue living with her mother as a commoner, using the money only for tutors to help her learn without the distractions of school-life. At age 14 she decided the tutors were simply not enough and finally used the money to get into Ouran Academy, knowing she'd be smart enough for it. She was accepted, scoring with flying colors on the tests and having the best test scores of her class, despite her young age.
Additional Notes: She owns a turtle named Brock and met Kuro at the cafe when she was 12, they've been best friends since even though he was 3 years older. They are unaware both are going to Ouran Academy or that they both happened to move at the same time.
Who did you PM?: Chihara Okazaki

© Mizune Shinase on OuranHS.darkbb.com
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Himawari Yakuzai
Custodian/ Computer Technician
Himawari Yakuzai

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PostSubject: Re: Konomi, Etsuko   Konomi, Etsuko I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 12:21 am

Konomi, Etsuko Approv10
Cute application! Good job! Welcome to Ouran!
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